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We’re social distancing. But brands are uniting to bring us together.

Schools are going virtual. Meetings are moving online. And entire businesses are shifting to work-from-home mode. Companies are making fundamental movements in these uncertain times, trying to flatten the curve, get supplies to healthcare workers, and more.

Part of this shift involves advertising strategy; companies aren’t operating in a “business as usual” mode, so their typical advertising is no longer appropriate for the times. Instead, they’re reaching out to consumers with creative messages of gratitude, awareness, ways to stay connected, and support for new concepts like social distancing. Check out some of the campaigns we found most inspiring.

Travel was one of the first and hardest-hit industries. With global travel shut down and stay-at-home orders in place across the country,’s endearing Captain Obvious jet-setting across the world and making friends was no longer a viable advertising strategy. Instead, they used their channels and airtime to encourage social distancing – showing Captain Obvious sitting alone, at home, with a bowl of popcorn. He’s going to be staying in for a while.



As coronavirus cases have increased, so have inquiries about how to help healthcare workers and hospitals through donations and other heartfelt gestures. Google decided to highlight this increased traffic and thank doctors, nurses, and all healthcare workers for their tremendous work as they battle coronavirus on the front lines. It’s a touching ad that feels true to Google and to the times.


Miller Lite

Many essential workers still have to brave the world to keep us running. However, just as many are waiting to go back to work. Bartenders are among them. And while taps are currently closed, tips don’t have to be. Miller Lite decided to take this issue into their own hands, creating a virtual tip jar as a show of industry support. It’s a personal touch of philanthropy that helps those in need.



IKEA has always been about the home. And while many of us are “stuck” in ours, IKEA decided to give our home a voice – reminding us why it’s a place we love and cherish. After all, our home has been the site of good memories, and the place where we can be ourselves. With a simple #StayHome message at the end, this ad takes an approach that feels comforting as we spend so much more time in our own little sanctuaries.



Budweiser has always had close ties with sports. Now, it’s celebrating all those out on the field and the front lines, marking them with team names (“Angels,” “Giants,” and “Braves”), and sending a message that this Bud’s for them. This clever wordplay pays off with the announcement that they’re redirecting all their sports investments to set up blood drives in stadiums across the country. Because right now, we’re all on one team.



Some brands like Verizon are leveraging the success of an existing campaign to let customers know they are keeping the lines of communications open, even as store doors are temporarily closed. The spot features real Verizon Retail Specialists talking candidly about how they are shifting the way they are working to make social distancing work for everyone. From the My Verizon app to 24/7 online support, their message is simple: We’re here. And we’re ready.