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Story of Womanspace. At the heart of what we do.

At BNO, we are storytellers at heart. Helping brands and companies create narratives that are meaningful, relevant, and authentic for consumers and employees alike. Stories that are uniquely human.

We get great gratification from making the types of emotional connections that move people to action. That’s why when we were given the opportunity to create a video for the Womanspace 23rd Annual Barbara Boggs Sigmund Award event –– it became an agency labor of love.

The main event.

Womanspace is an organization dedicated to helping women, men and families impacted by domestic and sexual violence. This year’s event honored Kayla Harrison, two-time USA Olympic Gold medalist in Judo, for shining a light on childhood sexual abuse through her Fearless Foundation. Attendees included clients of Womanspace, fellow sponsors, donors, and other members of the community.  BNO was thrilled and honored to be there alongside our client, Janssen, and many other wonderful supporting organizations.

The objective of the video, which debuted at the event, was to generate awareness among families in need and to inspire current and prospective sponsors and donors. So we conducted a one day shoot, in one small conference room, with nine interviewees, including clients, leaders and counselors – and did what we do best. Helped to tell their brave and inspiring story. One that emerged naturally.

The real heroes.

Going into the project with the intent of showing the brighter side of recovery, the clients, including the first-ever male featured in a Womanspace video, echoed journeys that had a clear narrative arc, depicting the rise from victim to survivor. And the counselors showed themselves to be more than staff members, but rather the voice of the organization and the families they serve.

It would be an understatement to say it was our honor to tell the Womanspace story. To reveal the potential for hope beyond despair. And to demonstrate what’s possible within the framework of a strong support system. It moved us. It moved our audience. And hopefully it moved Womanspace closer to their goal.

Special thanks to John Sterling Ruth Studios for donating their time to the filming and editing of the video and to Shanna Tyson for donating her hair and makeup artistry. And to all the courageous clients who told their stories in the hopes of helping others.

BNO would also like to thank Womanspace for making BNO a Platinum Sponsor at the event.